The Architectural Series is the special order color range for Slimbrick®.
How do you pick out the best color for your masonry? Manufacturers make brick veneer in a number of attractive shades. They include traditional pastels as well as iron wash tones. In this way, your brick siding takes the lead in setting the tone for the structure’s overall impression. It puts you in the unique position of adding pizzazz to even the more mundane projects.
Getting Started with Using Brick Veneer
Choose the brick veneer siding that has the appearance you like. It may be in the shades of reds and browns or focus more on grays and whites. Next, calculate the footage of the exterior brick veneer you need. Some customers like to add accent pieces to building corners. Finally, reinforce architectural brick veneer as required by the code.
Do you want to take the beauty of the structural material indoors? Thin brick veneer looks great around the fireplace. In the alternative, give the interior an industrial-style pizzazz with a brick wall. Thinner than traditional face brick, thin masonry works well for this use.
Use Slimbrick for any building exterior veneer application. Slimbrick can be used indoors and is popular for restaurant interiors, hotel lobbies, offices, and retail stores. Essentially you can design a brick wall into any environment using Slimbrick tiles.
Often times buildings with lighter frames cannot support the weight of full-size brick on higher elevations; Slimbrick masonry siding provides the solution. With rich colors that will endure for decades without fading, Slimbrick is a flexible design and construction material.
Stay Green and Save Green with Slimbrick
Inherently eco-friendly, Mutual Materials’ Slimbrick genuine clay masonry may help contribute to LEED points because it is locally manufactured, includes post-industrial recycled content, and has 84% less embodied energy than structural brick. Slimbrick meets all the appropriate (ASTM 1088) standards for thin brick veneer. In addition to providing the aesthetic value of full brick, our Slimbrick also offers the same thermal, acoustic and fire protection.
Mutual Materials Slimbrick meets ASTM C 1088.
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